Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lab Observation essays

Lab Observation essays While observing the lab at DeVry in room 128 I have been able to give an observation on the room layout. There are 128 computers in the lab while the carpet color is mixed with blue, gray, violet, and tan. There are 4 printers in which everyone shares. The windows on the east side of the lab are facing the outdoors were the students are able to look out if they choose. The north wall has an entrance to the lab assistants office. The south wall does not have anything but a bulletin board with nothing posted on it. There are two doors to come in and out of the lab both on the west side of the lab. The room is bright because it has plenty of lights. I can hear students talking about their assignments that they are working. I can also hear quite a bit of typing going on in the lab. The lab smells like a doctors office to me. Everyone in the lab has his or her own kind of responsibility. The lab assistants responsibility is to assist anyone that is having technical difficulties with their computer or printer. In my observation it seems to me as if they are trying to hide most of the time. One of the assistants are working on the computer doing homework while the other two are in the back of their office talking. The teachers responsibilities is to make sure that the students know their curriculum and if they do not to put them back on track. Most of the teachers that I see are doing this by walking around the students in their class and observing them or asking them if they need some sort of assistance on the project that they are working on. The teachers are also being somewhat sociable which I fell is a good thing that they are able to interact with their students. The students responsibility is to know their assignment and to do that assignment correctly. The students responsibility also is to learn and if they are not to ask the instructor for assistance before it is too late. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Origin Of Islam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Origin Of Islam - Term Paper Example But, after the death of Muhammed, Allah’s peace be upon him, every revelation were inscribed by the believers on barks, stones, and the modern times writing paper in the hope of passing the teachings on to the subsequent generations. In 1935, the first English translation was attempted bringing more people into the faith. Body Based on the revelation of Allah, praise and glory is only due to Him, in the Qur’an, Islam as the religion of mankind was first taught by Allah, praise and glory is only due to Him, to Adam and Eve, Allah’s peace upon them, with the following words: â€Å"And if as is sure there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve† Sii: 38 (Ali, 1935). â€Å"But those who reject Faith and belie Our Signs, they shall be companions of the fire; they shall abide therein† Sii: 39 (Ali, 1935). This marked the beginning of Islam for mankind when men and women were sent down on the surface of the earth. This was after Adam and Eve fell for disobedience. Along the way, generations after generations, not the whole of mankind remembered to pass on the faith to their progenies. Then Abraham, Allah's peace upon him, was born to a family in Ur, Karbala, Iraq. "We gave him Isaac and Jacob: All (three) We guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: Thus do we reward those who do good: And Zachariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: All in the ranks of the righteous: And Ismail and Elisha, and Jonas and Lot; and to all we gave favour above the nations" Sii: 84-86 (Ali, 1935). At about the age of maturity, after a long search for whom to worship, Abraham, Allah's peace upon him, received a revelation from Allah, glory to Him: "And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: and he will be in the hereafter in the ranks of the righteous" Sii: 130 (Ali, 1935). "Behold! His Lord said to him: 'Bow (thy will to me):' He said: I bow (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe" Sii: 131(Ali, 1935). "And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; 'Oh my sons! God hath chosen the faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam" Sii: 132 (Ali, 1935). The above quotations are the faithful English translation in 1935 of the Arabic Qur'an. The Arabic version was revealed during the time when people were left groping in the dark after about 500 years when Jesus the son of Mary left earth. This exact revelation marked the reappearance of Islam. This was revealed to the prophet Muhammed s.a.w. in 500 A.D.Subsequently, the following revelations confirmed Abraham's leadership of Islam as the religion reappeared guided by Allah s.w.a.: "He said: 'I will make thee an Imam to the nations.' He pleaded: 'And also (Imams) from my offspring!' He answered: 'but My promise is not within the reach of evil-doers.' Sii: 124 (Ali, 1935). Conclusion Islam as a religion of Muslims dates back to the time of the prophets Adam and Eve, Allah's peace upon them, which prominently reappeared during Abraham's civilization unto his progeny. Reference Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. 1935. Qur'an. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al Arabia.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Great Philosopher Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Great Philosopher Aristotle - Essay Example Aristotle had been very influenced by Plato although he did not agree with all his thinking, such as his theory of forms. As Michael V. Wedin claims in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy â€Å"Aristotle early on developed a keenly independent voice that expressed puzzlement over such Platonic doctrines as the separate existence of Ideas and the construction of physical reality from two-dimensional triangles.† Aristotle replaced this with his own theory of substance and further elaborated this into his theory of knowledge via his thinking on sensation and reason and the way in which he linked these properties of â€Å"man†. He also formalized abstract thought when he developed his universal method of reasoning. Not only does Aristotle’s philosophy underpin much of today’s Western thought and politics, but it also lays the foundations to modern Scientific Method. His system of inferential logic, or syllogistic reasoning, or categorical logic, has remaine d the major logical system of the Western world for many centuries. As the online Stanford Encyclopaedia says, â€Å"Although today we recognize many forms of logic beyond Aristotle's, it remains true that he not only developed a theory of deduction, now called syllogistic but added to it a modal syllogistic and went a long way towards proving some meta-theorems pertinent to these systems.†In his Prior Analytics Aristotle says that a syllogism is â€Å"a discourse in which, a certain thing being stated, something other than what is stated follows of necessity from being so†.... Not only does Aristotle's philosophy underpin much of today's Western thought and politics, but it also lays the foundations to modern Scientific Method. His system of inferential logic, or syllogistic reasoning, or categorical logic, has remained the major logical system of the Western world for many centuries. As the online Stanford Encyclopaedia says, "Although today we recognize many forms of logic beyond Aristotle's, it remains true that he not only developed a theory of deduction, now called syllogistic, but added to it a modal syllogistic and went a long way towards proving some meta-theorems pertinent to these systems." (2) Aristotle's other achievements include the fact that he taught and influenced Alexander the Great. Although Aristotle is given credit for developing, again according to the online Stanford Encyclopaedia, "a systematic treatment of the principles governing correct inference" (2) the idea of sound argumentation existed before him. What he did that was so unusual was to "codify the formal and syntactic principles at play in ... inference". (online Stanford Encyclopaedia 2) In his Prior Analytics Aristotle says that a syllogism is "a discourse in which, a certain thing being stated, something other than what is stated follows of necessity from being so" (Aristotle 24b 18). Three kinds of syllogism have emerged: the categorical syllogism, the hypothetical, and the disjunctive syllogism. The study of Prior Analytics and of what constitutes a syllogism is necessary for an understanding of Aristotle's foundations to scientific knowledge. As David Ross points out in the online excerpt from his book Aristotle, "Whatever other conditions it must satisfy besides, science

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Baroque Era Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Baroque Era - Term Paper Example In comparison to the forms of music preceding the Baroque music, the Baroque music is more intense, ornate and texturized in a lavish manner. The melodic line of the Baroque music is immensely decorated and has a rich counterpoint. A myriad of traits define the music of the Baroque era that include but are not limited to the basso continuo’s use and a faith in the affections’ doctrine which enable the composers to incorporate their feelings and emotions into their work. One of the most distinguishing features of music in the Baroque era is the emphasis it places upon the pace, volume and texture of the music. These features were altogether non-existent in the conventional music from the late Renaissance. Moreover, the Baroque music replaced the austerity of the early Renaissance and the Medieval style with the color of the instrument and the use of voice. In the Baroque era, there was an abundance of the secular forms of music and their use was just as much as that of t he liturgical styles of music. Imitative polyphony was one characteristic that reflected in most of the preceding music eras as well as in the Baroque era. It was used in the musical lyrics. On the contrary, the homophonic style was gaining increased attention and use in the music of the Baroque era, unlike the preceding music eras. Along with the employment of the homophonic music in the Baroque era, several innovative types of polyphonic music were surfacing in this era as well. Composers in the Baroque era were of the opinion that the counterpoint’s art.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Database Management System

Database Management System Database for more Complex Information data Aim To review Why OODBMS is the DBMS of Choice for Complex data. Introduction: The aim of this research is to review why Object oriented database system (OODBMS) is the database management system of choice for complex data application OODBMS is a database management system that supports the modelling and creation of data as objects, includes supports for classes of objects, inheritance of class properties, methods by subclasses and their objects. Some Client Server application uses RDBMS for data storage and Object oriented programming language for development. This type of scenario would have performance issues because objects must be mapped to the database tables this is referred to as impedance mismatch. To avoid this object-relational impedance mismatch problems caused by having to map object, it became necessary to have an alterative method of storing and mapping data. Client server application using RDBMS as described above is not a good choice for complex data as such OODBMS provides a better alternative. Origin and History of OODBMS Database Management System (DBMS) is software designed for managing and controlling access to databases. DBMS is â€Å"a shared collection of logically related data (and a description of this data) designed to meet the information needs of an organisation† (Connolly Begg). The first DBMS was introduced in the ‘60s and before this time, data handling was done using file based method. File based method stored data in individual data files with interface between programmes and files. Mapping happens between physical and logical file, where one file correspond to one or more several other programs. Extensive programming in third generation language like Cobol, were used in creating, manipulating and accessing data. There are so many problems with this method of storing data e.g. increased programme maintenance and development time, redundant data, weak security, separation and isolation which means each program maintains its own set of data, users of one program may not be aware of holding or blocking by other programs. As a result of the limitations in File based method a better way of data handling was required which led to the creation of DBMS to address these problems. The need to organise and share data on large sized projects also contributed to the creation of DBMS. DBMS control the organisation and structure of the data storage and is independent of the program that is being used to access the data. Early DBMS systems represent the first generation of DBMS and theses are: Hierarchical design by IBM Information Management System IMS.IMS is still the main hierarchical DBMS used by most large mainframe installations. Network design by General Electric Integrated Data Store (IDS) -CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Languages) or DBTG Systems The main problems with the Hierarchical and Network designs are that the Systems lack structural independence and are very complex The distinguishing feature of storing data in files and databases is that multiple programs and types of users are able to use the databases. Relational database management system (RDBMS) The term Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) was introduced by Edgar Frank Codd in his paper, â€Å"A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks† which was published in 1970. This paper formalized the basis for a RDBMS. RDBMSs are referred to as the second-generation Database Management systems, and the definition of what constitutes a relational database system with the guideline for the development of RDBMS is in Codds 12 Rules for relational systems published in 1985. RDBMS has three main characteristics which are: Information are held in form of a table, where data are described using values. Data in the table columns should not be repeated. Use of Standard Query Language (SQL). Relational model is the main data model and the foundation for many leading database products that include DB2 from IBM, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Microsofts Access and SQL Server, and Ingres. The market for RDBMS represent close to a multibillion-dollar. No need for the use of predefined keys to input information in RDBMS which make it more flexible than the first generation DBMS. Also SQL is easy to learn making RDBMS more productive. the main advantage of RDBMSs is the ease with which users can easily create, access and manipulate data if need be. Other benefits of RDBMS are: Multi-threading for users. Asynchronous Input/Output for performance issues. Data Partitioning. Parallel database queries for processing complex query. Scalable architecture. Advanced management tools and security with automatic data logging and recovery Referential Integrity for Data consistency. Transactional management features for database consistency Though RDBMSs has served effectively for number of years, it has certain limitations that were exposed by increasingly demands for complex data types and high performance applications. RDBMS limitations include but not limited to the following: Relational databases are unable to handle complex multimedia data such as images, video and audio clips due to lack of storage capacity. RDBMS support only few simple datatypes, e.g. integer, floating point, character string and date/time. These user-defined datatypes are useful just for defining value domains. Some RDBMS support binary large objects (BLOBs, image, text) which are used as pointers to external storage, these objects are difficult to manage and exchange. Standard SQL is limiting, which made vendor to create specific extensions such as, Sybase Transact-SQL, Oracle SQL*Plus. Also RDBMS do not work efficiently with languages such as Java scripts and C++ which emerged after the RDBMS original development Impedance mismatch: The data type in the database systems is mismatching with the complex data structure created by application. RDBMS also uses mixed different programming paradigms, in which data with different types and locations are handled at the same time. Information in RDBMS are in tables where relationships between the entities are defined by values. Data in RDBMS cannot represent Real World Entities; normalization leads to relations that do not correspond to object in the real world Because of the above limitations and the challenges of Complex data applications, Internet and the Web usage, Object-oriented databases management system (OODBMS) was introduced in the 1980s. OODBMS offer extensible and controlled data management services, consistency, data independent and secure environment, to object-oriented model. OODBMS handle big and complex information systems that RDBMS was unable to handle. RDBMS has been very successful with huge investments in its development by many big database vendors. RDBMS has many loyal customer base in the corporate relational databases community and a large Industry based on RDBMS applications and systems development. Because of this, major RDBMS vendors (Oracle, IBM, and Informix) came up with another DBMS called Object Related Database Management System (ORDBMS) to allow organisations to run legacy systems and new Object Oriented based systems in parallel, and gradually migrates to the new ORDBMS technology as its benefits become more apparent Thus RDBMS vendors developed ORDBMS as a way to meet the challenges of the traditional RDBMSs and as a future proof for corporate investment. However ORDBMS still fail to hide the inherent mismatch between relational and object oriented database models. Object oriented database system (OODBMS) have their origin in Object Oriented Programming Languages (OOPL). OODBMS started as a research in the mid ‘70s, the research is based on having a real database management support for graph-structured objects. Around this time also, several shortcomings of RDBMS were highlighted within the database community and It was also acknowledge that OOPL had very strong advantages over the non-OOPL for many programming applications. Some of the advantages are: Strong encapsulations which make it easier to program large and complex applications Inheritance features, which enable code reuse. Application programmers also want to make object persistent that is object lifespan should extend beyond single program execution One of the early researches project on OODBMS was the ORION Research Project in the early 1980, which was conducted by Won Kim at the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC). Two products were developed from the research, the ITASCA that is no longer in existence and the Versant OODBMS. Some other OODBMS commercial products are Gemstone that was known before as Servio Logic, Gbase (Graphael) and Vbase (Ontologic) In the early ‘90s addition products entered the market, some of these are: Objectivity/DB (Objectivity, Inc) ObjectStore (Progress Software, as acquisition from excelon which was originally Object Design) O2 snd Versant Object database (Versant Corporation) ONTOS (Ontos Inc formally Ontologic) ITASCA Jasmine (Fujitsu, marketed by Computer Associates) Some of these products are still available in the market with the introduction of new commercial Open source products in early 2004 e.g InterSystems , Ozone, Zope , FramerD and XL2. The open source products are gaining high recognition in the markets. The concepts of persistence to object programming language have been added to OODBMS. Early commercial products were integrated with programming languages e.g. Gemstone uses Smalltalk, Gbase uses LSIP and Vbase uses COP. C++ is the dominant language during the early 90s for OODBMS markets. Java and C# were introduce by vendors in the late 90s. The open source object databases are entirely written in Object Oriented Programme languages like Java or C#, e.g. db4objects (db4o) and Perst (McObject). Chris Muller has also recently created another open source Object database called Magma (Written in Squeak). Open Source products are reasonably affordable and easy to use and this opes the second growth period for Object database. Manifestos â€Å"The Object Oriented Database Manifesto† by Atkinson et al, 1989 listed the mandatory features that a system needs before it can be known as an OODBMS. Object oriented database manifesto abandons the relational model design by determining the basic rules of object database systems. The characteristics of the object DBMS is grouped into three by the Manifesto. Mandatory: Encapsulation, Object identity, types/classes, complex objects, overriding combined with late binding, inheritance, extensibility, persistence, computational completeness, concurrency, ad hoc query , secondary storage management and recovery facilities.. Open: this is decided on by the designer and include the representation of system, uniformity of type system and the programming paradigm Optional: includes multiple inheritance, type checking, inferring, distributions, versions and design transactions The OODBMS manifesto was unacceptable by some relational database professional, so another competitive manifestos was introduced â€Å"The Third-generation System Manifesto† by Stonebraker et al 1990.This manifesto retain all features of relational Database System that are practically proven (e.g. SQL) and augment the old features with new ones, e.g. the object-oriented concepts. â€Å"The Third Manifesto† which is written by Darwen and Date 1995 rejected both the object-oriented ideas and SQL which according to them defeat the relational models ideas, and to return to the genuine relational model and Codds 12 rule. The document produced for this manifesto is very controversial, from the current way software engineering and query/programming languages are done now. The arguments presented in this manifesto are more ideological rather than technical and this make the manifesto very difficult to be accepted by many databases professional. The newest version of the manifesto (2006) still retains these ideological assertions. Object-Oriented Database Management System Development review OODBMS stores Objects rather than data such as Integers, strings and real numbers, Objects consists of Attributes and Methods Attributes: They are data that defines the characteristics of an object. This data may be integers, strings and real number, or the data may be a reference to a complex object. Methods: This defines the behaviour of an object and methods are procedures or functions. The introduction of OODBMS was to reduce impedance mismatch between programming languages and database management system, to offer performance advantages and to provide clear support for complex user defined type including the ability to call, store and query complex object directly The developments of OODBMS support the modelling and creation of data as objects, extends programming languages with capabilities like data recovery, concurrency control, persistent and other relational capabilities. OODBMS are used when there is a need for good performance processing on complex applications because it takes a revolutionary approach to database management. OODBMS do not use table to store data, data are stored in objects and it handles concurrent access and provides a persistent store for objects in a multi-user client/server environment. OODBMS uses class definitions and traditional Object Oriented languages such as, C++ and Smalltalk for defining and accessing data instead of using separate language like SQL in defining, manipulating and retrieving data. OODBMS can be viewed as an extension of the OO language, providing direct integration to database capabilities. Object-Oriented database development initially focuses only on application that manages complex information like the Computer Aided Software Engineering, Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and Computer Aided design (CAD) applications. Other applications where object-oriented database technologies are now being used include: Telecommunications applications Hospital applications Finance institutions Multimedia applications Document/quality management OODBMS development enforces object oriented programming concepts such as data encapsulation, polymorphism, object Identity, inheritance as well as database transaction management concepts e.g the ACID PROPERTIES (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) which improve the integrity of the system.. OODBMS also support secondary storage management systems with ad hoc query languages , these permits the management of very large data. The inclusion of data definition within operations definitions in Object Oriented Database Management System has the following advantages: The defined operations are not dependent on the database application running at the moment and they apply ubiquitously. Inheritance allows the development of solutions for complex problems incrementally, and this is achieved by defining new objects in terms of the previously defined objects. Extension of Datatypes to support complex data such as multi-media, this is done by defining new object classes which have operations to support the new kinds of information. Object identity (OID) enables objects to be independent of each other in the database. Data encapsulation, this allows the internal state of the object to be hidden. Objects that are encapsulated are the ones that can only be assessed by their methods instead of their internal states. There are three types of encapsulated objects: Full encapsulation, here all the operations on objects are performed through message sending and by the execution of method. Write encapsulation, here the internal state of the object is allowed for reading operations only. Partial encapsulations, this allows direct access to reading and writing to some part of the internal state Another distinguishing characteristic of objects is that they have an identity that is independent of the state of the object. For example, if one has a car object and we remodel the car and change its appearance, the brake and the tires so that it looks entirely different, it would still be recognized as the same object we had originally before the changes were applied. Object-identity allows objects to be related as well as shared within a distributed computing network. All of these advantages come together to provide significant help to database application developers making development easier. The advantages also allow object-oriented databases development to solve information management problems that are characterized by the need to manage: A large number of different data types, A large number of relationships between the objects, and Objects with complex behaviours. An application development where this kind of complexity exists includes engineering, manufacturing, simulations, office automation and large information systems. Currently there is no widely agreed standard for what constitutes an OODBMS and no standard query language for OODBMS that is equivalent to what SQL is to the RDBMS. The Object Data Management Group (ODMG) a consortium of Object-Oriented Database Management System (ODBMS) vendors and interested parties working on standards to allow the portability of customer software across ODBMS products and to create a standardized Object Query Language (OQL) and object definition language (ODL). The work of ODMG on object data management standards completed in 2001 and the group was disbanded. The final release of the ODMG standard is: Object Database Standard (ODMG-3.0). Because the ODMG group was dissolved in 2001and this made the standardization of Object database languished. Another group was formed in 2005 called the OMG,s Object Database Technology Working group (ODBTWG) which is now working on a new standard to reflect recent changes in OODBMS technology. The main features of an OODBMS development is the way in which object is access in a transparent way such that interaction with persistent objects is the same as interacting with in memory objects. RDBMSs require the use of interaction through a query sub-language like SQL and the use of ODBC, ADO or JDBC. All this is unnecessary with OODBMS. In OODBMS when a request is made for an object in the database, the object is transferred into the applications cache where it is either used as a temporary value that is detached from the main version in the database so any updates to the cached object will not affect the object in the database. Object can also be used as the exact copy of the version in the database, so here any updates to the object are shown in the database and any changes to object in the database means the object has to be retrieved again from the OODBMS. There are a number of implementation of OODBMS with both research and commercial application. Each implementation is different based on the Object oriented languages, which form their origin. Some of these developments are discussed below: Gemstone: This was mainly based on smalltalk and its data definition and manipulation language is called opal. Gemstone do not provide all of most of the object-oriented features, it does not provide multiple inheritance. Iris: This is a research prototype, with the purpose if meeting the needs of applications like CASE tools, CAD etc. (Fisman et al (1987). It is designed to be accessible from any number of programming languages VBase: This is commercially available and is built with a schema definition language concept when objects are defined as data types. The main purposed of Vbase is to combine the procedural language with persistent object support, it also has the strong typing inherent in object systems for both language and database. O2: This is based on the framework of a set and tuple data model. It is designed with the purposed of integrating database technology with the object- oriented approach, for an all in one system. (Lecluse , et al 1988) Most of the OODBMS development discussed, tried to meet object orientation approach in someway, they do this by implementing various OODBMS features. There are major differences in the physical implementation of each model as well as the number of features implemented. Two Examples of companies using OODBMS are: British Telecominication uses Versant Mclaren develop the Formula one racing car uses Jasmine OODBMS Comparison criteria between RDBMS and OODBMS including the pros and cons. RDBMS and OODBMS differ in many ways example is in application domain, performance, usage, current market demand and support from vendors. RDBMS and OODBMS comparisons are done to get a better understanding for how the two databases differ and why OODBMS is better for large complex applications. A significant difference between object-oriented databases and relational databases is that object-oriented databases represent relationships explicitly, supporting both navigational and associative access to information data. As the complexity of the interrelation between database information increases, so is the advantage of representing relationships explicitly increase too. Explicit relationships usage also improves data access performance over relational value-based applications. Support for Object Oriented Programming Language (OOPL): Object Oriented Programming is not ideal for RDBMS, programmers spend most of the of coding time mapping the program object to the database In OODBMS, programming is direct and extensive, OOPL are designed to allow an application developer to create a complex sequence of instructions with less difficulty Standards: The defined standard for RDBMS is SQL, with main elements being DDL, DML DCL. The current version of the standard is SQL 3, SQL 3 defines the new features used in ORDBMS. ODMG is the group that maintains the standards for OODBMS the main components of standard being ODL and OQL. Most recent version of this standard is ODMG-3.0 and there are no new standard yet to reflect the advances in OODBMS technology. Product Maturity: RDBMS is a second generation and in a much matured stage. RDBMSs have good implementation with many support services such as the tool support for reporting, data transformations, OLAP tools etc. RDBMS is available from many vendors; this made it an obvious choice for most of the users. OODBMS is the 3rd generation DBMS making it relatively new, it emerged after the RDBMS, new ODMG standard still not in the final stage. Some implementations are available but still do not fully support all the features. Simplicity of use: The table structure in RDBMS is very easy to understand by user and also RDBMS has many end-user tools. OODBMS is mainly for developers, not many end user tools are available for object database products but this is hopefully expected to improve over time. Versioning of Data: Versioning of data is not supported by RDBMS but the user using multiple records with some of the attributes describing the versioning information can implement this feature. Versioning are defined by the user Versioning is supported naturally by OODBMS this is to maintain multiple versions of the data objects Complex data relationships: RDBMS provides basic relational tables, user-defined sets of records with system-defined domains, in addition to more high-level types defined in application. OODBMS has the same type system for system-defined and user-defined types. It is open-ended. Performance: OODBMS performed better than RDBMS based on the Object Operations version OO1 benchmark that was done on the OODBMS software (GemStone, Objectivit0079/DB, Ontos, Objectstore) and RDBMSs (Ingres and Sybase) in 1989 and 1990. Object in OODBMS is a better model of the real world entity than the relational rows in regards to complex applications. OODBMS outperform RDBMS when it comes to handling complex and interrelated data. Also the lack of impedance mismatch in OODBMS means they provide significantly better performance than RDBMS. Impedance mismatch require the mapping of one data structure i.e. tables to another data structure i.e. objects and this slows down performance on in RDBMs. Also the client catching features in OODBMS improve performance and also no joins are required in OODBMS Application Domain: RDBMS is used for large administrative systems, with many instances of simple data types; it can only handle short transactions and few data at a time. OODBMS is for design applications, with many and complex object oriented data types, handles long transactions and large client data. Semantic Gap (DDL/DML Vs. PL): RDBMS offers relational tables in some DDL and a standardized DML with client/server support and with embedded SQL in many Programming languages(PL). SQL is not computationally complete. Applications may have further, often high-level types and special storage structures expressed in some PL. In OODBMS, same OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES like C++ and small talk is used for both client and server. It does accommodate only object-oriented languages and does not accommodate cobol. The database PL is computationally complete. Query Optimization: This is very strong in RDBMS because of the restricted set of data type. OODBMS has poor query optimization because of the complex data structure Primary Keys: In RDBMS rows are uniquely identifying based on the value and also no two records can have the same primary key values this is to avoid error conditions. In an OODBMS, Object Identifiers (OID) which are system generated are used to uniquely identify an object and this is done behind the scenes and this is completely invisible to the user. With this feature in OODBMS there is no limitation on the value that can be stored in an object, thus increasing the efficiency of the database. Vendors Support : RDBMS is highly successful because of the large market size but most of the vendors of RDBMS are adding the capabilities of Object oriented to their applications so they are moving towards ORDBMS. OODBMS are targeting niche market because they lack of support from Vendors. This is due to the fact that the market for RDBMS is very large and it is difficult for vendors to move away from legacy systems that are mostly based on RDBMS. OODBMS Functionality and performance review: Complex process integration among companies is the driving force for adopting OODBMS. The capabilities of Objected-oriented programming language are integrated to the technology of DBMS in OODBMS. Designs of Object database are quite different because object database design is the essential part of the overall application design process. In OODBMS the Object classes used is the same as the classes used by the programming language. Data are stored in tables with columns and rows in relational databases i.e. data are represented in two-dimensional view. This is effective for applications that are simple, straightforward system, possessing low volume. RDBMS is good for application with simple relationships between data. Relational database technology failed to handle the needs of complex information systems because it requires the developer to force an information model into tables where relationships between entities are defined by values and, Relational database requires translation of sub-language like SQL and call interface like JDBC/ODBC. All these slows down the RDBMS data performance Support of abstract object interfaces is actively provided by OODBMS. It manages types, classes and methods, including the execution of methods. Data can be represented in more than two-dimensional view and relationships between data are represented explicitly which improve data access performance The basic functionality of relational database management systems is combined with new functionality of Object oriented in OODBMS. The basic functionalities are: Persistence Transaction Management and Concurrency control Security Recovery Data Access performance Query. Persistence: This is the ability of an object to be stored on a permanent medium and can survive program termination or shutdown. i.e. it can survive the duration of the OS process in which it resides. Persistence data to survive transaction updates they have to be stored outside transaction context. The addition of persistent to objects is essential to making OODBMS applications useful in practice this because most applications need to handle persistent data. Persistence is dealt with in OODBMS by the addition of persistence to object programming language like C++, Smalltalk and Java. OODBMS support persistent objects from data distribution, programming languages, transaction model, versions, schema evolution and generation of new types. Another way OODBMS offer persistence is through Inheriting from a common class. Transaction Management and Concurrency control: The use some form of versioning systems is the means of managing updates to multiple data at the same time in OODBMS, without any interference from one another. OODBMS products allow the objects to remain in the client cache after committing a transaction this is done so that the application is able to reference it again soon. This feature increase performance with the way data are stored and retrieved from the database. Concurrency control enables users to see the same view of object data in OODBMS. This allows a lot of reads and writes operations to go on in parallel while ensuring that the data is in consistent and good state. Security: Secure OODBMSs have certain characteristics that make them unique. The concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, information hiding, methods, and the ability to model real-world entities in object oriented environment provide security model in OODBMS. OODBMS may encapsulate a series of basic access commands into a method and make it public for users, while keeping basic commands themselves away from users. Little work has been done in OODBMS application to add security mechanism against malicious misuse of data. Recovery: Recovery features in OODBMS allow a consistent state of the database to be reinstated after a system crash or failure. This is done by either by rolling back the uncommitted transaction or rolling forward of transactions that has been committed but not completely flushed to disk. Data Access performance

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Hollow Men :: Hollow Men Essays

The Hollow Men Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in St. Louis, Missouri of New England descent, on Sept. 26, 1888. He entered Harvard University in 1906, completed his courses in three years and earned a master's degree the next year. After a year at the Sorbonne in Paris, he returned to Harvard. Further study led him to Merton College, Oxford, and he decided to stay in England. He worked first as a teacher and then in Lloyd's Bank until 1925. Then he joined the London publishing firm of Faber and Gwyer, becoming director when the firm became Faber and Faber in 1929. Eliot won the Nobel prize for literature in 1948 and other major literary awards. Eliot saw an exhausted poetic mode being employed, that contained no verbal excitement or original craftsmanship, by the Georgian poets who were active when he settled in London. He sought to make poetry more subtle, more suggestive, and at the same time more precise. He learned the necessity of clear and precise images, and he learned too, to fear romantic softness and to regard the poetic medium rather than the poet's personality as the important factor. Eliot saw in the French symbolists how image could be both absolutely precise in what it referred to physically and at the same time endlessly suggestive in the meanings it set up because of its relationship to other images. Eliot's real novelty was his deliberate elimination of all merely connective and transitional passages, his building up of the total pattern of meaning through the immediate comparison of images without overt explanation of what they are doing, together with his use of indirect references to oth er works of literature (some at times quite obscure). Eliot starts his poem "The Hollow Men" with a quote from Joseph Conrad's novel the Heart of Darkness. The line "Mistah Kurtz-he dead" refers to a Mr. Kurtz who was a European trader who had gone in the "the heart of darkness" by traveling into the central African jungle, with European standards of life and conduct. Because he has no moral or spiritual strength to sustain him, he was soon turned into a barbarian. He differs, however, from Eliot's "hollow men" as he is not paralyzed as they are , but on his death catches a glimpse of the nature of his actions when he claims "The horror! the Horror!" Kurtz is thus one of the "lost /Violent souls" mentioned in lines 15-16.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Effects of Video Games on the Mind Essay

Not only do video games affect children, social skills and addiction, they affect the brain and our actions. How many times have you gotten killed in a video game and gripped the controller so hard it almost broke. Researcher Eleni Kardaras studied two boys playing a competitive game. The younger boy wins, while the older boy gets furious and kicks him over. These are some of the actions we portray while playing video games Professor Akio Mori conducted a survey of people playing video games. Mori monitored the beta waves that indicate liveliness and tension in the prefrontal region. These results show a higher decrease of beta waves that play video games. Tests show that the beta waves were at zero, which indicate low use of the prefrontal regions in the brain. This led to many people in the survey becoming angry and found it harder to concentrate. Many of us take out our frustrations and stress through aggression and anger. An example of this is the columbine-shooting incident in Colorado. Two students took the precious lives of many and eventually taking their own. Evidence and research shows the two students were infatuated with video games, especially a shooting game called shoot em up. Aside from this there are other forms like competition and an urge to win. However video games can teach us to control our emotions. I remember as a kid I use to always hear the myth that video games kill brain cells and can make a hole in your brain. Studies show that playing video games do not kill brain cells; however playing extensively makes the brain slow to a halt, registering low alpha wave readings. Playing video games can be seen as being unproductive, the time spent playing on video games could be spent studying or doing outdoor activities. It also can affect social skills, which we already talked about. Aside from the negatives aspects video games have on the mind, some may argue that playing games can sharpen the mind. Fast pace games like GTA and Need for speed deliver excitement and agile movements in controlling the players to think quickly. Many soldiers that have constantly played video games were better at processing information and identifying objects.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Common Examples of Uncountable Sets

Common Examples of Uncountable Sets Not all infinite sets are the same. One way to distinguish between these sets is by asking if the set is countably infinite or not. In this way, we say that infinite sets are either countable or uncountable. We will consider several examples of infinite sets and determine which of these are uncountable.​ Countably Infinite We begin by ruling out several examples of infinite sets. Many of the infinite sets that we would immediately think of are found to be countably infinite. This means that they can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers. The natural numbers, integers, and rational numbers are all countably infinite. Any union or intersection of countably infinite sets is also countable. The Cartesian product of any number of countable sets is countable. Any subset of a countable set is also countable. Uncountable The most common way that uncountable sets are introduced is in considering the interval (0, 1) of real numbers. From this fact, and the one-to-one function f( x ) bx a. it is a straightforward corollary to show that any interval (a, b) of real numbers is uncountably infinite. The entire set of real numbers is also uncountable. One way to show this is to use the one-to-one tangent function f ( x ) tan x. The domain of this function is the interval (-π/2, π/2), an uncountable set, and the range is the set of all real numbers. Other Uncountable Sets The operations of basic set theory can be used to produce more examples of uncountably infinite sets: If A is a subset of B and A is uncountable, then so is B. This provides a more straightforward proof that the entire set of real numbers is uncountable.If A is uncountable and B is any set, then the union A U B is also uncountable.If A is uncountable and B is any set, then the Cartesian product A x B is also uncountable.If A is infinite (even countably infinite) then the power set of A is uncountable. Two other examples, which are related to one another are somewhat surprising. Not every subset of the real numbers is uncountably infinite (indeed, the rational numbers form a countable subset of the reals that is also dense). Certain subsets are uncountably infinite. One of these uncountably infinite subsets involves certain types of decimal expansions. If we choose two numerals and form every possible decimal expansion with only these two digits, then the resulting infinite set is uncountable. Another set is more complicated to construct and is also uncountable. Start with the closed interval [0,1]. Remove the middle third of this set, resulting in [0, 1/3] U [2/3, 1]. Now remove the middle third of each of the remaining pieces of the set. So (1/9, 2/9) and (7/9, 8/9) is removed. We continue in this fashion. The set of points that remain after all of these intervals are removed is not an interval, however, it is uncountably infinite. This set is called the Cantor Set. There are infinitely many uncountable sets, but the above examples are some of the most commonly encountered sets.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

PTSD Sleep Disorders and Treatment Professor Ramos Blog

PTSD Sleep Disorders and Treatment There were 69,000 troops recruited into the armed forces last year. When veterans come home a percentage have long-term effects that haunt them daily and need to be treated by medical specialists. These issues include PTSD, depression and anxiety that make it hard to function as a civilian and lead to significant health problems. Many struggle to acclimate back into society with mental and physical issues that need to be addressed and treated. Studies regarding PTSD and sleep disturbances veterans experience and some treatments available for the issue, the effects for both the veteran and their families with quality of life as well as their relationships. Insomnia may be the most common among veterans with a complaint of sleep issues. Mood and anxiety result in lack of sleep with other psychological effects. Some can fall asleep but can’t stay asleep due to nightmares or just have difficulty falling asleep. In a study done my van -Liempt (470-471), shows the demographics of veteran involved and the issues they develop after being discharged. Other factors may play a part in how anxiety or stress levels but mainly due to PTSD disrupted sleep. Pre-deployment anxiety symptoms increase the risk in developing PTSD symptoms although all remain negatively affected. If REM sleep is disturbed or fragmented, nightmares may be triggered due to PTSD and lack of rest creating mental and physical distress. It may contribute directly to the development of PTSD disrupting the beneficial process of sleep on fear distinction. Those with nightmares may talk, scream or physically move and disturb their partner or create a hostile sleeping situatio n. Exhaustion may result in lack of sleep creating strain on relationships and personal life impacted and seclusion for the severely disturbed. There is a 75% to 90% increase in risk of a low quality of life including isolation, drinking, depression, suicidal ideation, and poor coping skills with basic life stressors are obstacles that veterans have to endure and overcome to live a normal life. Several studies report that female veterans with insomnia and probable PTSD had poorer sleep quality than veterans with insomnia alone. Combat veterans and their exposure to war zones endure mental trauma but women have the added possible sexual trauma in combat areas. For the young veterans who deal with sleep disturbances the cost is great both mentally and physically over their lifetime. They can be utilized for future studies for treatments options and data to reduce risk for veterans in the future. There are limited treatments for PTSD associated sleep disturbances. One possible option is explored in auricular acupuncture as described in Heather King et al. (582-590) being successful when studied in a small group of veterans with PTSD. Acupuncture increases endogenous opioid levels and melatonin and during interaction to promote sleep. There were no negative comments when the study was concluded. With a ninety five percent approval rating among those who were question one participant replied, â€Å"My sleep significantly improved due to acupuncture. I felt better rested and helped me concentrate on my days and I performed better on my daily activities†¦.(Heather King et al. pp.587). Although it is a primary study of a non-medication form of treatment. Although there are some with other severe issues that require medication and unclear if this treatment would work for them along with medication and psychiatric intervention. Medication is the first option given to veterans who suffer from PTSD and sleep disorders. Risperidone which is an antipsychotic drug may be prescribed for the more severe cases of PTSD. In the study conducted and reported by Daniella David et al. (489-491) nightmares shifted toward less trauma-replicating allowing better sleep. It did not cure or allow the participant to sleep consistently but may have eased some of the bad dreams decreasing the nighttime awakenings. There are many variables and case by case issues with treatments among the veterans with PTSD and sleep disorders. There may be more than one treatment that is required to alleviate the symptoms they experience. All require therapy and some need a sleep study to determine if a form of life support is needed. Medication is usually administered for a diagnosis of depression, hallucinations, suicidal ideation or insomnia. It is a combination of treatments to assist the veteran in being functional in life to assume the pursuit of the â€Å"American Dream.† Our veterans deserve to live a full, well adjusted and happy life when they return home from their duty in the service. Not all of us can volunteer for such a duty or aren’t as brave as the soldiers that continue to be part of this elite group of men and women. My husband is a combat veteran and has been diagnosed with PTSD once he returned home. Sleep is definitely a variable for him and at times it can affect me as well . Medication is a daily requirement and even so there are still effects that cannot be escaped or cured. New studies need to be conducted to explore alternative options for future veterans and those who still suffer from PTSD and sleep disorders. Winding down at the end of the day by taking a bath or avoiding coffee may help but the psychological trauma is what is most disruptive. The environment where they sleep should also be appropriate to feel comfortable and safe. Short naps throughout the day may keep from feeling so exhausted at the end of the day. The mental condition will never cease to exist and can be developed in more than this specific scenario. Sleep may be the only escape and unsuccessful attempts and nightmares create more issues that contribute to self-medicating such as drugs, alcohol or suicide. The Department of Veterans Affairs offers services and assistance of no- cost to veterans for those who seek help to resolve issues they may be suffering from. Accounts from veterans willing to share can be viewed at Meet the Connection website where Justin states at a certain point he walked into a VA and stated, â€Å"I need help immediately,† (   He speaks of his life in chaos with relationships falling apart and suicidal ideation. Those who are willing to accept help and admit there is a problem can seek it through the VA system. Many go to individual and group therapy or may record their traumatic accounts and journal about their feelings. Their strength and resilience in and out of the service is part of what makes America great. Work Cited David, Daniella, et al. â€Å"Adjunctive Risperidone Treatment and Sleep Symptoms in Combat Veterans with Chronic PTSD.† Depression and Anxiety (1091-4269), vol. 23, no. 8, Dec. 2006, pp. 489-491 Hughes, Jaime et al. â€Å"Insomnia and Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Women Veterans.† Behavioral Sleep Medicine, vol. 11, no. 4, Sept. 2013, pp. 258-274 King, Heather C., et al. â€Å"Auricular Acupuncture for Sleep Disturbances in Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. A Feasibility Study. â€Å"Military Medicine, vol. 180, no. 5, May 2015, pp. 582-590 Straus, Laura D., â€Å"Sleep and Variability in Military-Related PTSD: A Comparison to Primary Insomnia and Healthy Controls.† Journal of Traumatic Stress, vol. 28, no. 1, Feb. 2015, pp. 8-16. Van Liempt, Saskia, et al. â€Å"Impact of Impaired Sleep on the Development of PTSD Symptoms in Combat Veterans: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study.† Depression and Anxiety (1091-4269), vol. 30, no. 5, May 2013, pp. 469-474. Accessed 10/2018 Photo Credits Green, Peter S. Post-Traumatic Sleep Disorders Are the New PTSD. Published 10/19/2015 Nature Reviews/Disease Primers PTSD. Published 8,Oct 2015 Rachel Yehuda et al.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Short Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Short Writing Assignment - Essay Example In addition, Buddhism worldview of life is that it suffering as evidenced by the first of its noble truths. Davis (2007) noted that, â€Å"The most basic lesson of a science class is to have a hypothesis, before you conduct an experiment. Then you record your observations and draw your conclusions.† In this regard, Davis (2007) identifies these similarities of science to Buddhism being a â€Å"science of the mind† when he notes that Buddhists observed that they achieved wisdom and happiness through meditation, which takes place in the mind. In effect, this makes them draw the conclusion that the Dharma worked. According to H.H.Trulshik Rinpoche, the first teaching that Buddha gave was on the four noble truths in Buddhism (as cited in Davis, 2007). The first of these truths lies in the recognition and acknowledgement of the existence of suffering, which Davis noted is â€Å"an objective assessment of reality†. The second of these truths is that ignorance was the main point behind suffering. On the other hand, the third noble truth is that individuals could relieve suffering through spiritual practice. Finally, the fourth truth gives the path towards transcending the path of suffering (Davis, 2007) According to Matthieu Ricard, Buddhists explained happiness as â€Å"the state of being, that comes from freedom† (as cited in Davis, 2007). In this regard, happiness does not mean pleasure in the Buddhism context. In addition, achieving happiness is best through following the Dharma (Davis, 2007). This section briefly outlines the distinct elements in Buddhism and Christianity worldview. In particular, the section considers the worldview, in the two religions, in relationship to the concept about God and some religious concepts, the soul, and suffering. According to the Christian worldview of God, man’s creation was in God’s image, He is

Friday, November 1, 2019

Parthenon, Acropolis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Parthenon, Acropolis - Essay Example The construction of the building began under rules and orders from Pericles to illustrate the wealth, mighty and exuberance of the Athenian authority in managing their issues. The structure derived its name from a cult effigy of Athena Parthenos that is normally in the eastern room of the structure. The elegant and magnificent design was erected of ivory and entailed gold and was initially sculptured by a renowned sculptor and designer Phidias during his hey days. The sculptor derived his skills from the intense faith and beliefs the Greek dedicated most buildings and structures to gods. For instance, the Acropolis based structure as it was dedicated to Athena to be grateful the Goddess for their continuous prosperity and success (Peter et al., 254). The construction and finishing of the Parthenon were lastly finished around 432 BC. Significantly, the structure proved to the world the domination and supremacy of Athens. This is because, during that time structure illustrated development of regions (Korina et al., 78). The cosmic preponderance of the money applied on the construction was collected from the established Delian League funds. The league was an accord between the Greek various states in league designed against the Persian Empire, which was enormously controlling the close by territories (Clair, 84). To create a favorable environment for the erection of the building two years prior to the beginning of construction of the Parthenon, the larger Athenians struck a peace accord with their adversaries the Persians ending the war. From there, the League continued with its existence and afterwards the league stopped assuming the roles of mutual defense on Persia but became a portion of the Athenian larger Empire. The theory w as properly reinforced after the Athens decided to move the Leagues reserves from the Pan-Hellenic haven at Delos to the Parthenon called Opisthodomos room. The piecework was highly magnificent construction to look at