Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Human Resource Management of Becton Dickinson- Free-Samples

Questions: 1.Conduct an Environmental scan of the various factors impacting Becton Dickinson currently through the use of a PESTEL trend analysis?2.What actions must Becton Dickinson take to strengthen the role of the human resource function in supporting overall business strategy? 3.Should the human resource function be driven at corporate level or further down at sector or business level? Support your answer with specific reasons why or why not? 4.Discuss the various job analysis techniques that can be used to develop the new position of Director of Organizational Development? Answers: 1.Political: USA is possessed with massive political influences over both national as well as policy making. The rules and regulations of the government of the USA are very much transparent. Therefore, the organization like Becton Dickinson while running their entire business process in the market would not have to face difficulties in order to draw the attention of customers (Brewster Hegewisch, 2017). At the same time, while recruiting the employees Jim Wessel always prefer to recruit the employees as per the skill and competency level rather than their religious as well as cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the employees who are appointed within the business organization of Becton Dickinson are not influenced by the recommendation of any political party (bd.com, 2017). Economic: As per the economic strength of the country business organization tends to fix their budget for different purposes. USA is out an out economically developed country where the sales volume growth of Becton Dickinson is high. Therefore, the human resource managers of Becton Dickinson have enough efficiency to hire skillful and experienced employees paying high remuneration package (Knowles, Holton Swanson, 2014).Therefore, economic factor of a particular country highly influences on the overall business process of a particular organization. Social: USA is the country where people belonging to different geographical boundaries and psychological backgrounds stay together. Therefore, Becton Dickinson likes to hire the employees from different cultural attitudes for maintaining diversity at the workplace. On the other hand, Wessel has made an effective strategy while hiring the people within their business organization (Bratton Gold, 2012). This particular individual focuses on hiring the relatives of employees if those relatives are having enough skill and competency for dealing with the handling the needs and demands of customers. Technological: As USA is out-an-out developed in technology Wessel has decided to implement advanced technology at the workplace with the help of which customers can be provided services within time. At the very beginning, the employees were not very much efficient in operating the entire process of technology skillfully. In this kind of situation, Wessel has decided to provide an effective training to those senior employees (Chelladurai Kerwin, 2017). On the other hand, the new employees whom the human resource managers of Becton Dickinson have recruited are well trained in operating technological advances. In this kind of situation those employees do not have to face innumerable difficulties in handling sudden technological barrier. Environmental: As per the weather of Becton Dickinson, it is undeniable that Wessel does not have to face major difficulties in running their organization in the market of USA. This particular organization is based on medical technology and manufactures (Flamholtz, 2012). Therefore, environment is one of the most important factors based on which the success of a business organization is highly dependent. However, the environment of USA is suitable for maintaining the entire business of Becton Dickinson in market. Legal: While maintaining a particular business organization Wessel has to maintain some of the major acts and regulations systematically. Apart from maintaining all the government taxation policies, this particular organization has followed health and safety act, data protection act, right to information act, anti-discrimination act and so many. 2.In order to strengthen the human resource function Wessel has decided to implement some of the major business strategies and policies for creating a market demand. It has also been observed that Becton Dickinson is facing competitive threat in the market. As a result, Wessel has decided to modify their human resource strategy and policy. The policies that Becton Dickinson has decided to follow for improving their human resource policies are as follows: Performance appraisal: The implementation of performance appraisal system is one of the most effective ways to motivate the employees. At the very initial stage of Becton Dickinson, human resource managers did not follow the appraisal system in proper time. Employees had to wait for a long time in order to get appraised (Budhwar Debrah, 2013).. After the entrance of Wessel, the employees get the scope to be appraised within proper time. As a result, employees get back their enthusiastic attitude in performing well towards the business process. Succession planning: Wessel has observed that Becton Dickinson should make an effective succession planning in order to keep a constant control over the entire process of business. Among the succession planning, the implementation of manpower management system, recruiting success manager, conducting workforce review in every year is very much prominent. Use of advanced technology in human resource information system: Initially Becton Dickinson intended to maintain manual record while communicating with the employees regarding their level of performance. In this kind of situation, human resource managers showed their biased attitude towards individual employee while reviewing the performance level (Marchington et al. 2016). Wessel has thus decided to change performance review system after implementing advanced technology in human resource information system. As a result, the human resource managers are successful enough in maintaining a chronological data record regarding the performance level of the employees. Relocation of job: Wessel has observed that location is one of the most important factors due to which experienced and skilful employees show their reluctance for being associated within the company. Therefore, Wessel has decided to provide job posting to the employees as per domestic location (Daley, 2012). On the other hand, if the employees can be restricted within their domestic location, they do not have to face some of the most important barriers such as communication barriers, cultural barriers, language barriers, religious barriers and so on. They can perform for the success of business as per the skill and competency level. 3.Human resource function can be considered as one of the most important sectors with the help of which the performance level of the employees can be maintained efficiently. In order to deal with the customers the employees have to play a major role with the help of which customers can show level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Due to the lack of human resource function, the organization can face a disastrous consequence in maintaining their entire business process (Jiang et al. 2012). In the year 1983, Becton Dickinson was facing innumerable difficulties for maintaining their organizational glory and reputation. The sales volume growth of the organization was radically decreased. More than 50% of the revenue has been decreased at that particular time. In this kind of situation, Becton Dickinson was bound to implement some of the major factors. The steps are as follows: The education and training program was completely eliminated from the human resource function. The planning of succession was withdrawn The performance appraisal system was reduced comparatively In this kind of situation, the performance level of the employees was extremely decreased that failed to satisfy the demands and needs of customers as well. In this kind of situation however, Becton Dickinson started to lose their business glory. Berman et al. (2012) stated that opined that human resource management function is beneficial for both the corporate sector as well as single business sector. For an example, Cocacola is one of the most prestigious brands occupying a predominant place in the realm of beverage industry. Therefore, human resource managers have to be very much active in maintaining the performance level of every individual employee. Otherwise the brand would not be able to maintain their organizational glory in the international market. Therefore, in order to maintain employee performance, the human resource managers tend to follow performance appraisal system, providing education and training process, providing additional facilities and benefits to the custome rs and so many. On the other hand, the function of human resource in the business sector is equally important. Becton Dickinson is the organization that is primarily famous for medical technology as well as manufacturing medical instrument (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). In this particular sector the role of human resource managers as well as role of human resource function is equally important. Wessel by handling the performance level of employees has gained immense brand image and reputation. On the other hand, in 1983 the organization has already lost its glory by decreasing the level of performance. In this kind of situation, Wessel felt that Becton Dickinson should strengthen the function of human resource management that can ultimately enhance the entire performance level of employees widely. 4.Wessel in the new position of director can use some of the most effective job analysis techniques and procedures with the help of which Becton Dickinson should develop the performance level of employees. The job analysis techniques that Wessel can be considered are as follows: Providing additional facilities and benefits to the employees: In order to maintain the enthusiastic attitude Wessel can implement additional benefits and facilities in order to involve organizational employees towards reaching the business goal. The benefits and facilities that can be followed at the workplace include maintaining health and safety act at the workplace, providing equal priority and response to every single employee, implementing incentive schemes and so many. Providing rewards and recognition for employee motivation: Employees should be provided reward for performing well. This particular strategy can motivate the employees for performing well in meeting the business target. Employees would not be able to perform well at the workplace can be motivated in seeing other with the award of success (Alfes et al., 2013). Therefore, this particular strategy can be applied in enhancing the performance level of employees. Increasing the efficiency level of HR personnel: It has already stated that senior employees of Becton Dickinson are not flexible enough in handing the advancement of technology. On the other hand, USA being out an out developed in technology need to render technological advancement at the workplace. In this kind of situation, customers are not getting services at the proper time (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). However, in order to overcome this particular situation, Wessel can provide an effective training to the organizational employees. This particular training would help the HR personnel in dealing with the situation efficiently. Reference List: Alfes, K., Shantz, A. D., Truss, C., Soane, E. C. (2013). The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), 330-351. bd.com., (2017). BD Medical Technology - Advancing the World of Health. (2017).Bd.com. Retrieved 18 June 2017, from https://www.bd.com/en-us Berman, E. M., Bowman, J. S., West, J. P., Van Wart, M. R. (2012).Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage. Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2012).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Brewster, C., Hegewisch, A. (Eds.). (2017).Policy and practice in European human resource management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield survey. Taylor Francis. Budhwar, P. S., Debrah, Y. A. (Eds.). (2013).Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Chelladurai, P., Kerwin, S. (2017).Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics. Daley, D. M. (2012). 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